- Linear power supply
- Max input voltage 14Vac.
- Minimum allowed voltage 6Vac.
- Output, any voltage between 0Vdc and 15Vdc at maximum 6A.
- minimum allowed dropout voltage Vin-Vout >= 1Vdc.
- Recommended dropout voltage, for best noise performance, Vin-Vout >= 3Vdc.
- Ultralow RMS Noise: 0.8µVRMS (10Hz to 100kHz)
- Insulated heatsink, breakdown voltage = 3KV
- Streaming servers
- RF Power Supplies: PLLs, VCOs, Mixers, LNAs
- Very Low Noise Instrumentation
- High-end audio
- High Speed/High Precision Data Converters
- Medical Applications: Imaging, Diagnostics
- Precision Power Supplies
Heatsink dimensions
PCB dimensions